Career Woman Trapped in Abusive Marriage: Breaking the Silence on Domestic Abuse in Uganda.

Domestic violence against women is a prevalent issue in Uganda, affecting women from diverse social and economic backgrounds. Despite her successful career, Dora Nantaba is one among many women who endure emotional abuse from their partners.

Despite her efforts to establish her career and provide for her family, Dora is not immune to the emotional abuse inflicted upon her by her seemingly loving and caring husband. Over time, he has become increasingly controlling and manipulative, continuously belittling her, undermining her accomplishments, and fostering a sense of dependency on him.

Dora is feeling trapped in her marriage and is afraid of the societal repercussions if she chooses to leave her husband. She is concerned about being stigmatized by her community for making such a decision

“I also worry about the impact that leaving my husband will have on my children, who I love deeply”. Dora says.

Unfortunately, Dora’s story is not unique. Many women in Uganda experience domestic abuse at the hands of their partners, and are unable to leave due to a variety of factors, such as the fear of stigma and financial dependence on their partners.

According to a 2016 report by the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, about 22% of women aged 15-49 in Uganda have experienced physical violence at least once since the age of 15, and about 13% have experienced sexual violence. These figures are likely to be underestimates, as many cases of violence against women go unreported.

The Ugandan government has taken steps to address domestic abuse, including passing laws that criminalize domestic violence and establishing specialized courts to handle cases of gender-based violence. However, much more needs to be done to ensure that women like Dora an live free from abuse and fear.

Raising awareness about domestic abuse and the available resources for survivors is a crucial step in addressing the issue. This can be achieved through promoting information about hotlines, shelters, and legal services that can provide support to survivors of domestic abuse.

Furthermore, it is essential to address the root causes of domestic abuse, which are often linked to cultural and social norms that normalize violence against women. This can involve advocating for gender equality and challenging harmful gender stereotypes that contribute to the perpetuation of domestic abuse.

It is also important for society as a whole to recognize that domestic abuse is never acceptable and to reject the notion that it is a private matter. By vocalizing domestic abuse and supporting survivors, we can work together to create a safer and more equitable society for all women in Uganda.

Ruth Atim



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