High Court Employees in Mtwara Region: Three Defendants, Three Cases, Sh132 Million Economic Sabotage Allegations

Mtwara. The Tanzania Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau, (PCCB) has once again brought two accountants and a record keeper of the High Court in the Mtwara zone to the dock for case number 6 of 2023 involving economic sabotage.
In front of the Resident Magistrate of the Mtwara Resident Magistrate’s Court, Charles Mnzava, the accused accountants, Beda Nyasira and Theodosia Mtelani, and the record keeper, Mahafudhi Chinenda, have been charged with a total of 14 offenses in case number 6 of 2023.

The lawyer from PCCB in Mtwara region, Naftal Mnzava, has stated that the accused collectively committed the offense of economic sabotage amounting to Sh56.2 million between June 2020 and March 2022. The funds were taken from a special account for inheritance beneficiaries held at the Central Bank of Tanzania, (BOT).

Naftal has informed the court that in the first charge, all the accused are collectively charged with abuse of power by manipulating the law and paying an amount of over Sh56 million to Said Bakari Mitindo, knowing that he is neither a beneficiary of the inheritance nor has any case in the High Court in Mtwara.

The second to twelfth charges are related to causing financial loss to the authority at different periods by paying allowances, food money, and other payments to Said Bakari Mitindo, knowing that he is not a beneficiary of any cases at the High court.

In the thirteenth charge, the accused have been charged with obtaining money through fraudulent means from the special account. The final charge is money laundering, which is in violation of the law. The funds were paid into two bank accounts, in CRDB and NMB banks, which are owned by Said Bakari Mitindo.

All the accused have denied their accusations to the 14 charges and have been remanded in custody until October 18, 2023, when they will be called for a preliminary hearing.

However, the three defendants also have two other cases of economic sabotage, numbered 4 and 5, in the same court this year, with a total value of over Sh132 million.

Mwana M

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