Namibia : « Street Kids » – Namibia’s Homeless Children

Namibia is a country with a population of just over 2.5 million people. Unfortunately, like many other countries around the world, Namibia is home to a significant number of homeless children who are forced to fend for themselves on the streets.

Homeless children, often referred to as Street Kids, are those who are living and/or working on the streets, often without a family to care for them. Street children are often exposed to numerous dangers, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as substance abuse and the risk of contracting diseases. According to Rivaldo Kavanga, in an article in the New Era, children living on the streets face a constant violation of their rights and are vulnerable to violence and abuse. They reveal that economic and social problems are the reason they opt to reside on the streets. Their daily routine includes searching for food in rubbish bins, begging for money, looking for scrap metal to sell, and going to bed in riverbeds or under bridges.

According to a report by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), poverty is the main cause of child homelessness in Namibia. Many children come from poor families, where parents struggle to provide necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. In some cases, children are forced to leave their homes due to domestic violence, neglect, or other forms of abuse.

Homelessness has a profound impact on children’s health and development. Homeless children are at risk of malnutrition and they are also more vulnerable to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, which are prevalent in Namibia.

Homeless children are susceptible to so much however, there are organizations in Namibia that are working to help street children and are fighting to keep them off the streets:

  1. Namibia Partnership Solutions (NPS)

NPS is a non-governmental organization striving to keep children off the streets, and the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare are collaborating on programs to reunite street children with their families.

  1. Rehabilitated at Farm Du Plessis

The farm under the care of the same ministry, allows children to take a shower, wash their clothes, receive a hot meal three times a day, and sleep on a proper bed. A social worker has one-on-one sessions with them to help them process their experiences on the streets.

2. SOS Children’s Villages in Namibia

SOS Children’s Villages is working with Namibian families to strengthen family ties and prevent children from ending up without parental care. The organization is supporting Namibian children by providing daycare, education, medical assistance, and other important services. Children whose parents cannot take care of them can find a loving home in one of the SOS families.

3. Children in the Wilderness program

The program provides education and life skills training to vulnerable children in rural areas. The program aims to empower children to become agents of change in their communities and to break the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

Even though there are still street kids, Namibia continues to fight this issue by creating organizations that ensure children are kept off the streets.

Naango Kainge


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