Zimbabwe: President Mnangagwa appoints son and relatives to new government

Three weeks after the general elections, which were marred by major dysfunctions, re-elected President Emmerson Mnangagwa appointed his new government on Monday evening. A cabinet that has drawn the ire of the opposition and many critics. The head of state has appointed members of his family, including one of his sons.

Two members of Emmerson Mnangagwa’s family have joined the new government. David Mnangagwa, first of all. One of the Head of State’s sons. Aged 34, he has been appointed Deputy Minister of Finance. A year ago, he was still a student. The Head of State has also appointed one of his nephews, Tongai Mnangagwa, as Deputy Minister of Tourism.

Another appointment that aroused anger was that of a couple loyal to the head of state, a war veterans’ leader, Christopher Mutsvangwa, and his wife, who both obtained a ministry.

Critics denounce the President’s nepotism and the immobility of this new government, made up of the old guard: the first Vice-President, retired General Constantino Chiwenga, retains his post. As did the second vice-president, Kembo Mohadi, who had been forced to resign on charges of immoral conduct.

The government has been described as illegitimate and a dynasty by the main opposition party, which is calling for a new election.

It should be noted that, following the municipal elections, the opposition retained control of the country’s two biggest cities, the capital Harare and Bulawayo.

Keneth Ononga

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