Tanzanian Tuk Tuk Driver Faces Allegations of Assaulting 15 Children During 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

As the World marks the 16 days of activism against Gender based violence, a tuk tuk driver from the Iringa Municipality, (Southern highland part of Tanzania) Alex Msigwa, (34) is being held by police on allegations of raping and sodomizing 15 children at different times in the region.

The Police force in Iringa region, (the southern highland part of Tanzania has arrested a tuk tuk driver, Alex Msigwa, (34) for the accusations of raping and sodomizing 15 children at different times in the Iringa Municipal.

Alex was arrested on 8th December while the world commemorates 16 days of against gender based violence which include raping and sodomizing children.

In recent days, there have been incidents of violence against children in the Iringa region especially in the municipal council including rape, sodomy, murder and beatings with beliefs in which craft being cited as a reason.

Police commander of Iringa region, Allan Bukumbi said that the suspect was pretending to be a social welfare officer and sometimes a police officer in order to easily carry our his intention.

Commander Bukumbi said the suspect was apprehending children wandering and walking at night, (street children) then abused them.

“He was threatening the children aged between six to twelve with a knife and at times giving them money” said the police commander.

One of the parents, (name with held) said upon receiving information that the children has been molested he decided to inspect his and discovered that his child had been raped and sodomized.

“I couldn’t believe it when I was told, but after inspecting my child, I discovered it has been molested, I came straight to the police station and when I arrived I fell down, I am thankful the suspect as been arrested” said the parent.

Another parent whose two children are said to be molested by the suspect said he was looking for his children from 7:00 pm to 1:00 midnight without success.

“I found them after midnight, a girl child was raped and sodomized badly, the act hurt me so much, I went to hospital and told to come to police station” said the parent.

Iringa regional commissioner, Halima Dendego has rebuked the incidents and ordered security forces to take actions upon all the suspects that will be found guilty.

Janelle Browne, Tanzania

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